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创建时间:  2023年10月24日 23:17  樊建荣    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Development of hydrogen pipelines and the gaseous hydrogen embrittlement research


Hydrogen has become a critical player in energy transition. Hydrogen delivery is integral to the entire value chain of hydrogen economy. Of various modes for hydrogen distribution, pipelines provide an economical and effective means to transport hydrogen with an increased capacity over long distances. Pipeline steels are prone to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) in high-pressure hydrogen gas if hydrogen (H) atoms generate from the gaseous environment and enter the steels. The HE can compromise structural integrity and cause failures of the pipelines. The HE of hydrogen pipelines is unique. Major gaps exist in both fundamental and applied aspects. This talk will provide fundamentals of gaseous HE of steels, detailing specific features of the problem. A thermodynamic model is developed to evaluate the feasibility of H atom generation from high-pressure gaseous environments. The density functional theory is used to determine stable configurations for H atom adsorption and absorption on crystalline lattice plane, grain boundaries and dislocations. The mechanical properties of pipeline steels in high-pressure hydrogen gas environments are reviewed, and novel methods to detect H atoms in steels are introduced.

报告人姓名:Frank Cheng

报告人简介(中文):Frank Cheng,加拿大皇家科学院院士。现任卡尔加里大学终身教授、加拿大能源管道领域国家首席教授、先进材料与制造中心主任、加拿大杰出材料科学家。目前主要从事氢气、二氧化碳和天然气管道的材料科学、电化学腐蚀与结构完整性研究。出版个人研究专著4部,发表学术期刊论文310余篇,引用超过17,000次,H-因子78,名列材料学科世界前万分之六最有影响力科学家。先后获美国腐蚀工程协会 (NACE) Uhlig奖和技术成就奖、美国材料协会 (ASM) Brian Ives奖、美国材料防护与服役协会 (AMPP) Oladis Troconis de Rincón奖、加拿大矿业冶金与石油协会 (CIM) 杰出讲座奖、加拿大冶金与材料协会 (MetSoc) 金属化学奖、国际先进材料协会 (IAAM) 金质勋章等,为美国腐蚀工程协会 (NACE)、英国腐蚀协会 (ICorr) 、英国材料矿业与矿产协会 (IMMM) 、国际先进材料协会 (IAAM)会士,担任期刊Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering (KeAi/Elsevier) 主编。

报告人简介(英文):Dr. Frank Cheng, a Fellow of Royal Society of Canada (RSC), is a Professor, Canada Research Chair in Pipeline Engineering and Director in Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Center at the University of Calgary. Frank is a world-renowned leader in Energy Pipeline Technology, with specializations in materials science, electrochemical corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and structural integrity of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and natural gas pipelines. He is the author of 4 books and 310 peer-reviewed journal papers. The total citations of his publications exceed 17,000 and the H-index is 78. According to the latest release by Stanford University, Frank ranks the world’s top 0.06% of influential scientists in the Materials area. Frank was named the Canadian Distinguished Materials Scientists in 2019. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards from international associations and agencies such as NACE, ASM, AMPP, CIM, MetSoc and IAAM. Frank is a Fellow of NACE, ICorr, IOM3, and IAAM. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering.


报告人单位(英文):University of Calgary, Canada

报告时间:2023-10-27 14:00

报告地点:#腾讯会议:526-287-031 (密码13732)



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