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7月18日:Grain refinement and its mechanisms of magnesium alloys

创建时间:  2019年07月18日 10:50  高珊    浏览次数:

报告题目(中文):Grain refinement and its mechanisms of magnesium alloys

报告内容简介:A homogeneous microstructure of as-cast magnesium alloys is necessary to improve the formability during their subsequent thermomechanical processing. The present work investigated the influences of SiC additions on the grain refinement in Mg-Al and mg-Zn alloys. It is found that the addition of SiC can refine the microstructure of Mg-Al alloys. The responsible mechanism is the formation of phase Al2MgC2 during solidification, which has a very close crystal structure to magnesium and acts as the nuclei for alpha-Mg. The addition of SiC can also refine the grains in Mg-Zn alloys. It directly serves as nuclei for heterogeneous nucleation, or (and) it is likely to affiliate with (Mn,Fe) impurities to serve as the nucleant particles. Mn plays an important role in grain refinement of SiC in Mg. It may react with SiC to form Mn-Si-carbides to serve as the nucleant particles, which gives a new insight for the grain refinement mechanism of SiC in Mg and Mg-Zn alloys.

报告人姓名:Yuanding Huang

报告人简介(中文):黄原定, 北京科技大学(原北京钢铁学院)学士、直读博士、副教授,比利时鲁汶大学博士后,丹麦Riso国家实验室高级访问学者。现就职于德国国家最大研究机构亥姆霍兹下的镁合金创新中心, 高级研究员,获终身科学家位置,是亥姆霍兹基金项目的首席研究员 。长期以来,从事钢铁、铝合金、镁合金等相关新材料和新工艺的研发。迄今为止,发表科研论文160余篇,其中SCI论文100篇,SCI论文他引次数每篇平均22.7次,H-Index值27,授权专利六项。多次担任镁合金大会组委会成员和分会主席。现任镁合金国际刊物Journal of Magnesium and Alloys编辑,中国材料学会镁合金分会理事,是美国金属材料协会、欧洲宇航防务集团、德国材料学会和德国铸造专家协会会员。

报告人单位(中文):(MagIC-Magnesium Innovation Centre, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

报告时间:2019-07-18 10:00





上一条:7月18日:Comments on solidification of magnesium alloys

下一条:7月16日:Using classical MD to better understand and design solid electrolytes