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创建时间:  2020年11月06日 14:23  高珊    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Design Microcapsules for Controlled Release of Biomolecules

报告内容简介:Due to their unique core shell structure and microscale size, microcapsules are very effective carriers to encapsulate and protect a wide variety of cargoes. However, how to release the encapsulated cargoes for the function is a considerable challenge. Especially for vulnerable biomolecules, many release triggers will lead to their denaturation. In this talk, I will introduce how to design different microcapsules for controlled release of biomolecules using water, a simple and biocompatible trigger. I will explain the water triggered release mechanism and discuss the design principle. And I will show two specific examples for different applications.


报告人简介(中文):张炜侠博士本科和硕士毕业于清华大学,博士毕业于美国普渡大学,目前在哈佛大学工程与应用科学系任助理研究员。他的研究领域广泛涉及化学、材料和工程,包括高分子合成、自组装、微流控以及生物医药和能源功能材料的制备等。至今在包括Nano Letter, Adv Mater., Small等国际知名期刊上面发表论文近40篇。

报告人简介(英文):DDr. Zhang has obtained his bachelor and master degrees in Chemistry from Tsinghua University in Beijing, and his PhD degree in Chemistry from Purdue University. After that, he joined the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, where he is currently a Research Associate. His research interests span a wide range of topics in Chemistry, Materials Sciences and Engineering, including organic synthesis, self-assembly, polymer chemistry, photonic crystals, synthesis of functional materials for biomedical and energy applications, and microfluidics.


报告人单位(英文):Harvard University

报告时间:2020-11-11 09:30

报告地点:腾讯会议室ID 973847260



