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创建时间:  2021年11月16日 11:59  高珊    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Nanostructural Design of Antifogging Coatings: From Zwitter-Wettable to Wet-Style Superhydrophobic Films

报告内容简介:Whiletransparent substrates are widely used in various optical applications including lenses, displays, and sensors, they often suffer from a variety of environmental challenges such as excessive fogging and surface contamination. In this work, we demonstrate that a heterostructured polymer thin film consisting a hydrophilic reservoir capped with various hydrophobic capping layer allows water molecules to preferentially condense into the underlying hydrophilic reservoir, while the hydrophobic capping layer resists wetting by water droplets. This concept of zwitter-wettability is further extended to wet-style superhydrophobic coatings which simultaneously exhibit antifogging, antireflective, and self-cleaning properties. By pattern transferring low-surface-energy microstructures onto a heterostructured nanoscale thin film, we achieve antifogging coatings that even allow contaminants adsorbed on the surface to be easily removed by rinsing with water. Furthermore, our recent results on the effect of bulk and surface oligo(ethylene glyocol)(OEG) moieties on antifogging as well as antifouling performances will also be briefly discussed.

报告人姓名:Hyomin Lee

报告人简介(中文):Professor Hyomin Lee received his B.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from Seoul National University (SNU) in 2009. He obtained Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2014. From 2014 to 2017, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. In 2017, he joined Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), where he is currently an associate professor in the department of chemical engineering. He has been recognized with several awards including KSIEC New Scientist Award (2018), PSK Young Investigator Award (2020,. His research focuses on understanding and controlling the structure and dynamics of soft matter at interfaces and designing new functional materials.


报告人单位(英文):Pohang University of Science and Technology

报告时间:2021-11-18 13:00

报告地点:腾讯会议ID 381147195




