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计算机模拟(Ab initio calculation, Molecular dynamics simulation)与非弹性光散射分析(Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy)


1. Li R, Wu YQ, Xiao JJ. 2014. The nucleation process and the roles of structure and density fluctuations in supercooled liquid Fe. J. Chem. Phys. 140:034503
2. Wu YQ, Shen T, Lu XM, Zhang N, Lai LS, Gao S. 2013. Solidification of Liquid Fe with Embedded Homogeneous Solid Fe Nanoparticles from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 29:245-9
3. Wu YQ, Shen T, Lu XG. 2013. Evolutions of lamellar structure during melting and solidification of Fe-9577 nanoparticle from molecular dynamics simulations. Chem. Phys. Lett. 564:41-6
4. Wu YQ, Lu XM, Shen T. 2013. Arrhenius relationship and two-step scheme in AF hyperdynamics simulation of diffusion of Mg/Zn interface. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23:508-16
5. Shen T, Wu YQ, Lu XG. 2013. Structural evolution of five-fold twins during the solidification of Fe-5601 nanoparticle: a molecular dynamics simulation. J. Mol. Model. 19:751-5
6. Shen T, Meng WJ, Wu YQ, Lu XG. 2013. Size dependence and phase transition during melting of fcc-Fe nanoparticles: A molecular dynamics simulation. Appl. Surf. Sci. 277:7-14
7. 赖莉珊, 吴永全, 沈通, 张宁, 高帅. 2012. 纳米Al2O3颗粒对纯Fe液诱导凝固过程的分子动力学模拟. 物理化学学报 28:1347-54
8. 高帅, 吴永全, 沈通, 张宁, 赖莉珊. 2012. Zn-Mg合金的结构分析和Zn-Mg扩散体系的物相分布. 物理化学学报 28:2037-43
9. 王召柯, 吴永全, 沈通, 刘益虎, 蒋国昌. 2011. Zn-Mg合金的长程Finnis-Sinclair势. 物理学报 60:497-507
10. Wu GX, Zhang JY, Wu YQ, Li QA, Chou KC, Bao XH. 2011. Hydrogenation mechanism in lanthanum-activated magnesium films. Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 102:739-45
11. 刘益虎, 吴永全, 沈通, 王召柯, 蒋国昌. 2010. 连续升温过程中γ-Fe→δ-Fe→液态-Fe相变的分子动力学模拟. 金属学报 46:172-8
12. Wu GX, Zhang JY, Li QA, Wu YQ, Chou KC, Bao XH. 2010. Dehydrogenation kinetics of magnesium hydride investigated by DFT and experiment. Comput. Mater. Sci. 49:S144-S9
13. Wu GX, Zhang JY, Wu YQ, Li Q, Chou KC, Bao XH. 2009. Density functional theory study of hydrogenation mechanism in Fe-doped Mg(0001) surface. Appl. Surf. Sci. 255:6338-44
14. Wu GX, Zhang JY, Wu YQ, Li Q, Chou KC, Bao XH. 2009. Adsorption and dissociation of hydrogen on MgO surface: A first-principles study. J. Alloy. Compd. 480:788-93
15. Wu GX, Zhang JY, Wu YQ, Li Q, Chou KC, Bao XH. 2009. The effect of defects on the hydrogenation in Mg (0001) surface. Appl. Surf. Sci. 256:46-51
16. 胡志刚, 吴永全, 沈通, 王召柯, 刘益虎. 2009. 用于α-Al2O3分子动力学模拟的长程Finnis-Sinclair势函数. 物理学报 58:7838-44
17. 张先明, 杨立红, 吴永全, 沈通, 郑少波. 2008. 一种描述金属界面原子扩散的加速分子动力学方法. 物理学报 57:2392-7
18. 程江伟, 张先明, 吴永全, 王秀丽, 郑少波, 蒋国昌. 2007. α-Fe和γ-Fe长程F-S势的分子动力学模拟. 物理化学学报 23:779-85
19. 徐利莹, 王秀丽, 吴永全, 蒋国昌. 2006. 铝硅酸钙熔体中氧原子的配位性质及动力学,硅酸盐学报 34:1117-23
20. Wu YQ, Jiang GC, You JL, Chen H, and Xu KD. 2006. The Raman coupling coeffiecients of calcium and sodium silicate melts in high-frequency region - SiOT model study. J. Phys: Conf. Seri. 29:77-86
21. 吴永全, 尤静林, 侯怀宇, 陈辉, 蒋国昌. 2005. 硅酸盐熔体微结构单元的对称伸缩模的拉曼散射系数. 物理学报 54:961-6
22. Jiang GC, Wu YQ, You JL, Chen H, Xu KD. 2005. The investigation on the microstructure of metallurgical molten slags and the foundation of the primary cluster theory. Steel Res. Int. 76:746-51
23. Wu YQ, You JL, Jiang GC, Chen H. 2004. Theoretical study of structural and Raman spectral properties of CaSiO3 quenched from melt to glass. Chin. J. Inorg. Chem. 20:133-8
24. Wu YQ, Jiang GC, You JL, Hou HY, Chen H, Xu KD. 2004. Theoretical study of the local structure and Raman spectra of CaO-SiO2 binary melts. J. Chem. Phys. 121:7883-95
25. Wu YQ, Jiang GC, You JL, Hou HY, Chen H. 2004. Coordination properties and structural units distribution of Q(T)(i) in calcium aluminosilicate melts from MD simulation. J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. 11:6-14
26. Wu YQ, You JL, Jiang GC. 2003. Molecular dynamics study of the structure of calcium aluminate melts. J. Inorg. Mater. 18:619-26
27. Wu YQ, Jiang GC, You JL, Hou HY, Chen H. 2002. A new method for the Raman spectra calculation of vitreous or molten silicate. Chin. Phys. Lett. 19:1880-3
28. Wu YQ, Huang SP, You JL, Jiang GC. 2002. Molecular dynamics of structural properties of molten CaO-SiO2 with varying composition. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 12:1218-23
29. Wu YQ, Hou HY, Chen H, You JL, Jiang GC. 2001. Coordination and bond properties of Al and Si ions in system of Al2O3-SiO2 melts. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 11:965-71

30. Wu YQ, Li R, Shen T. 2014. Solid-liquid Phase Transitions of Fe: From Nano Particle to Bulk and from Spontaneous to Induced Solidifications. The TMS 2014 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, California, Feb. 16-20.
31. Li R, Wu YQ. 2014. Nucleation and Growth of Nucleus in Supercooled Liquid Fe: A Molecular Dynamics Study. The TMS 2014 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, California, Feb. 16-20.
32. Jiang GC, Wu YQ, You JL. 2009. The high temperature Raman spectroscopy and ion cluster theory for metallurgical slag and magma, VIII International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes & Salts, Santiago, Chile, Jan. 18-21.
33. Wu YQ, Jiang GC, You JL, Chen H, and Xu KD. 2005. The Raman coupling coefficients of calcium and sodium silicate melts in high-frequency region - SiOT model study, Third Conference of the Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-3), Beijing, China, Sep. 8-11.
34. Wu YQ, Jiang GC, You JL, and Chen H. 2004. A new method for the Raman spectra calculation of binary silicate melts: application to the calcium silicate, 19th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Gold Coast, Australia, Aug. 8-13.
35. Jiang GC, Wu YQ, You JL, Chen H and Xu KD. 2004. The embryo of cluster theory for metallurgical slags, Proceeding of the 10th Japan-China symposium on science and technology of iron and steel, Chiba, Japan, Nov. 18-19.
36. Jiang GC, Wu YQ, You JL, and Chen H. 2004. The correlation of Raman spectra, Vibrational Density of States and Coupling Coefficients of Calcium Silicate Melts, 19th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Gold Coast, Australia, Aug. 8-13.

   Jiang GC, Wu YQ, You JL, Zheng SB, A study of ion cluster theory of molten silicates and some inorganic substances, Trans Tech Publication Inc., Switzerland, UK, USA, 2009

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国家自然科学基金[51174131]:金属凝固初期从类固相团簇到晶胚再到晶核的预形核动力学,2012.01 ~ 2015.12
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国家自然科学基金青年基金[50504010]:基于微观、介观到宏观尺度的钢液中氧化物夹杂界面现象及生长机理,2006.1 ~ 2008.12(已结题)
中国教育科研网格二期建设项目:材料科学与工程重点学科网格平台及应用建设,2009.01 ~ 2013.12(已结题)
上海市科委青年科技启明星计划[07QA4021]:钢液中MnO-TiOx系复合夹杂界面结构及动力学的跨尺度研究,2007.9 ~ 2009.9(已结题)
上海市教委科研创新项目[09YZ24]:锌镁合金界面微观结构及动力学,2009.1 ~ 2011.12(已结题)
上海市科委自然科学基金[04ZR14054]:钢液中富Ti稳定氧化物夹杂生长过程中界面现象的研究,2005.4 ~ 2008.3(已结题)
上海市教委青年发展基金[04AC97]:铝硅酸钙三元系熔体扩散性质的MD模拟及HTRS光谱研究,2004.5 ~ 2006.12(已结题)
宝钢集团横向课题:题目略,2008.07 ~ 2009.08(已结题)
宝钢集团横向课题:题目略,2007.05 ~ 2009.07(已结题)
宝钢集团横向课题:题目略,2007.05 ~ 2008.07(已结题)
宝钢集团横向课题:题目略,2006.10 ~ 2007.05(已结题)
宝钢集团横向课题:题目略,2006.05 ~ 2006.12(已结题)
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)子课题[2012CB722805]:氧化镍铁矿资源的高效分离与提取,2012.01 ~ 2014.12,项目联系人
国家科技支撑计划项目[2006BAE03A12-1]:预还原粉矿的碳-氧终还原工艺技术研究,2007.01 ~ 2009.12,主要参与人(已结题)
教育部创新团队资助项目[IRT0739]:特种物理场下冶金与材料制备,2008.01 ~ 2010.12,主要参与人(已结题)
国家自然科学基金重点项目[50334040]:高温Raman谱创新技术及高温下物质微结构与性能,2004.01 ~ 2007.12,主要参与人(已结题)
上海市科委基础研究重点项目[06JC14031]:镁基复合材料的吸放氢过程热力学和动力学机理,2006.09 ~ 2008.08,主要参与人(已结题)

2008年 XPJ优秀青年教师 XPJ
2007年 全国百篇优秀博士论文提名 国家教育部
2007年 上海市青年科技启明星 上海市科委
2006年 上海市优秀博士论文 上海市教委
2003年 上海市科技进步三等奖 上海市科委

1). 新生研讨课,《从“走近”到“走进”材料科学》
2). 本科生必修课,《金属学基础》
3). 本科生选修课,《冶金过程数值模拟》
4). 研究生必修课,《冶金热力学》
5). 博士生课程讲座,《现代冶金科学与技术 之 冶金熔体微观结构及其与宏观物性的关系》

电话: 86-21-56332144
Email: yqwu@shu.edu.cn or yqwu@staff.shu.edu.cn

