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创建时间:  2023年08月30日 16:51  樊建荣    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Education, academic career and working in Germany


德国作为老牌工业强国,在教育、人才培养、以及社会就业等方面都有其特色之处。在当今复杂国际形势下,中德与中欧关系仍处于稳中向好的局面。本次交流特邀Aleander Birich博士/高级工程师做客XPJ材料学院省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验,对德国教育制度、学术生涯与就业情况进行介绍,可为高校教师、研究学者、以及将来可能前往欧洲或德国深造的学生带来一定的帮助。

As one of the most famous strong-industry countries, Germany has some special characteristics in education, talent development, job-seeking, and working system to continuously promote the development of the country. The relationship between China and Germany or EU keeps solid and progressing, even in the present complex international situation. Dr./senior engineer Alexander Birich is invited to come to State Key Labor of Advanced Special Steels, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, for presentations. This report is focusing on the education, academic career and working system in Germany, which would be helpful to the teachers/researchers in universities or the students who are interested in studying in EU or Germany in the future.

报告人姓名:Alexander Birich

报告人简介(中文):高级工程师,德国亚琛工业大学过程冶金与金属回收研究所(IME)副所长,德国MIMITech GmbH公司高级科学顾问,长期从事固废湿法/火法回收、金属精炼、特种合金冶炼加工等研究,主持/参与欧盟、德国研究联合会(DFG)、德国联邦教育和研究部(BMBF)、德国联邦经济与能源部(BMWi)、德国联邦经济合作与发展部(BMZ)、企业等项目30余项。

报告人简介(英文):Dr. Alexander Birich is the senior engineer, vice-director in Institute of Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling (IME), RWTH Aachen University, serving as the senior consultant in MIMITech GmbH. He is engaged in hydro/pyro recycling of non-ferrous metals, metal refining, and processing of advanced special alloys. He, as the leader or participant, finished more than 30 projects coming from EU, DFG, BMBF, BMWi, BMZ, and companies, etc.


报告人单位(英文):RWTH Aachen University

报告时间:2023-09-05 15:00

报告地点:材料学院B楼 520室




