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创建时间:  2023年09月05日 13:07  樊建荣    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Regenerative Fuels


化石燃料的日渐枯竭以及因CO2气体排放引起的全球气候变暖等问题日益引起人们的重视。 寻找更高效、安全且价廉的储电和发电装置是关键。利用弃风、弃光等可再生能源的电能, 以高温熔盐为电解质, 将氧化物电化学还原为可再生燃料,然后再以电、热能形式释放的技术,可能成为储能密度与碳氢燃油比肩的后电池时代新型储能技术。

The ever-increasing consumption of fossil fuels and global environmental concerns have accelerated the efforts to develop efficient and affordable energy storage and electricity generation devices. Using renewable sources such as excess or abandoned solar and wind power, electrochemical reduction of oxides to regenerative fuels in molten salts is an effective way for converting electrical energy to chemical energy stored in the fuels which can be later discharged as heat or electricity. Regenerative fuels are petrol-comparable in energy density and can become a new energy storage technology in the post-battery era.

报告人姓名:陈政(George Zheng Chen)

报告人简介(中文):陈政现任英国诺丁汉大学电化学工艺教授。他的学术生涯于1982年在中国开始,1988年起先后在英国和中国发展。硕士和博士阶段的学习和研究都是电化学专业。现在从事科学研究的主题为“致力于材料、能源与环境的电化学工艺与液态盐创新”。在Nature, Angew Chem, Adv Mater 等学术期刊上发表论文300余篇,获准国内外专利40项。H-因子 > 70 。

报告人简介(英文):George Chen is full professor of electrochemical technologies at the University of Nottingham. He started his academic career from 1982 in China and developed it in the UK and China. Having received training in electrochemistry at both the MSc and PhD levels, he is now undertaking interdisciplinary research under the theme of "Electrochemical technologies and liquid salts innovations for materials, energy and environment". He has authored and co-authored over 300 research articles published in journals including Nature, Angew Chem, and Adv Mater with more than 40 patented inventions. H-index > 70.


报告人单位(英文):University of Nottingham, UK

报告时间:2023-09-08 10:00

报告地点:南陈路333号 XPJ东区16号楼520会议室

主办单位:XPJ材料学院 省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室


